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Al Rabee Society for Nature and Animal Protection

Al Rabee Society for Nature and Animal Protection (RSNAP) is a Local Charity established in Southern Jordan with two main purposes: to encourage compassionate and thoughtful conduct towards nature and animals in general, and to promote a more humane treatment of stray dogs in particular.

In 2015, Rodica Toma Athamneh, a true gardian angel for dogs, opened the first shelter for homeless and neglected dogs in Jordan. In the shelter, Rodica and her volunteers give care, food and love to the animals. Due to limited available funds, most of the food they feed the dogs with comes from local restaurants and hotels, which donate their leftovers. The RSNAP also arranges for veterinarian visits and neutering operations.

Rodica views the current actions undertaken by locals to reduce the number of stray dogs, actions that often involve shooting or poisoning the innocent animals, as utterly inhumane. She actively campaigns for better care and neutering to control the dog population, and also informs and supports new dog owners to prevent pet abandonment.

Lastly, Rodica works to bring more attention to her overcrowded shelter and to the problems she and her team face, notably the serious shortage of animal adopters. She wishes to inspire others to open more shelters in Jordan, and dreams of one day starting a small pet farm and garden for local children to visit and enjoy.

Local Charities Worldwide Charity Profile | Al Rabee Society for Nature and Animal protection in Jordan


Al Rabee's main problem - Where are the dog people?

Rodica and her volunteers currently care for more than 400 dogs but the shelter is tragically running out of space and resources, which means that they sometimes have to release dogs back into the streets. The weak dogs, the sick dogs and the mothers with puppies are kept. The other dogs (as well as a few dozen cats) are waiting for urgent adoption. Unfortunately, many Jordanians have a fear of street animals and the RSNAP is having difficulty finding new homes for its dogs. Only expat Westerners are adopting. If you live in Aqaba and love dogs, please contact the shelter. They will be happy to organize for you a meeting with your new best friend!

Adopt a pet from Al Rabee shelter and save two lives. The one of the dog you adopt, and the one of the dog that will take its place.


Do you love this cause? Support it with a gift!

This Local Charity doesn’t have a donation page online. To donate something, volunteer your time to work in the shelter, or receive more infomation about adoption programs, please contact Al Rabee directly using the link below. Thank you for them!