Our work
What we do
It’s in the name. Local Charities Worldwide. We serve a world of local giving, and we exist for Local Charities. Our mission is simple, but it is significant. We strive:
TO UNDERSTAND the problems Local Charities everywhere face. Only once we truly comprehend their struggles can we start dreaming about the solutions.
TO CARE for the causes the Local Charities defend as much as they care themselves, and to influence others to care too. Caring is a powerful muse when practicing the art of giving.
TO ACT by telling the moving stories of the Local Charities and of everyone they aid. What we are telling is nothing new, but the way we are telling it, is. The world must hear the small charities’ cry for help, which has remained unnoticed for far too long: we are here to make sure that it does.
Big goals
We are not reaching for the sky, aiming for the moon, or shooting for the stars. No. We have set our sight on something much, much greater, right here on Earth. Life, and those who cherish and nurture it. For them, only for them, we will not stop working. We will not rest until every single person on the planet has heard of Local Charities Worldwide.

Worldwide Action
RIGOROUS VETTING of Local Charities. Not just anyone can be listed on our platform. We do a lot of upstream work to make sure that we really know the organizations we promote, and the people behind them. You can give to one of our Local Charities with complete peace of mind: they have all been verified as legitimate organizations by our dedicated team, and they will use your gift rapidly to serve the cause you intended it to be for.
CONTENT CREATION. A great deal of daily life is spent online these days, and generosity, too, must follow suit. For each Local Charity in our community, we create a visual profile published on our platform, we write blog posts, and more. Many Local Charities are doing amazing things every single day, but they lack a platform to show it; maybe they don’t know where to start, or simply don’t have the time to promote themselves. Now, they have us.
NETWORKING. In the non-profit sector just like anywhere else, who you know can move mountains, whereas what you know might only bend grass. Thankfully, we have friends, and are continuously meeting more. Together, we will make a lot of noise. Together, we will get Local Charities the global attention they deserve.
Featured Labels
You probably will notice that some Local Charity profiles are decorated with one or several of these beautiful labels. Here is what they stand for.

Volunteers wanted
This label is added to the profiles of the Charities that are in urgent need of some extra pairs of hands. Of course most organizations do welcome and always appreciate volunteers, but we only give this label to the ones that cannot keep their current level of operations without additional help. Some Charities with this label are looking for people to work on a punctual project or event; others desperately need longer-term volunteers, and the volunteer donations, to stay afloat.

Urgent funds needed
This label is added to the profiles of the Charities that are facing a drastic loss of revenue and/or sudden and heavy costs, following a natural disaster for example. The costs sometimes hurt the Charities so badly, their very existence is hanging in the balance. Obviously all Local Charities rely on donations, but the ones with this label need immediately available funds. It could even be a matter of life and death for a person or an animal. If you see this label, please visit the Charity's website and support them as soon as you can!
Get listed on oUr platform
Local Charities Worldwide is set up with a solidarity ideal. We are not interested in financial gain. A listing with us is free of charge for all non-profit organizations, and always will be.
No muss, no fuss. We'll do the writing, the designing, the publishing, the sharing... while you focus on what you do best. Making our world a better place.
Credibility is very high on our priorities list, and our platform is the real deal to us. This is why we have set strict quality standards for ourselves; we know that if givers trust us, they'll trust you.
We work hard to reach an international audience. The whole point of our initiative is for YOUR story to transcend borders, so you can indeed be: a Local Charity Worldwide.
Local Charities which cannot provide evidence that they fulfil all of the conditions cited below will regrettably have to be turned down for a listing on our platform. In another world, we would not leave anyone behind like this, but sadly in this world we must. We want to be unequivocally positive that we are not enabling crooks or scammers with our services. Thank you for your understanding.
We ask Local Charities to: be officially registered with the relevant and legally recognized institutions in the country where they operate AND/OR be officially registered with the relevant and legally recognized institutions in their country(ies) of origin AND/OR be an official subsidiary, project or initiative of a registered company, collective or foundation. Organizations and individual initiatives without any official status of any kind will not be accepted.
Your Charity must implement operations and projects that are meant to achieve one or more of the charitable purposes as defined by the law, including but not limited to: advancing health, education, religion, culture or public welfare; advocating for social justice and human rights; preventing or relieving the suffering of animals; and protecting or restoring the natural environment.
We request that the organizations we list under the Environment, Animals and People pillars be 100% tax-exempt non-profit organizations. That is to say their income must ONLY be used for charitable actions and the maintenance of the organization’s existence (rent, wages, transport costs, etc.). No organization distributing dividends to shareholders will be accepted.
Organizations we list under the Social Enterprises pillar can be for-profit businesses, but they must prove that they: empower their local communities by creating jobs, paying fair wages and providing free education or capacity-building trainings AND reinvest at least half of their profit back into programs that maximize local improvements in social or environmental well-being AND offer ethical products or services that put the planet, human or animal health, and community welfare before profit.
We choose to list on our platform the very small organizations which get close to no governmental support and have a total annual budget of less than US$ 250,000. This amount is not set in stone, however, and we may accept organizations with bigger budgets if they are facing challenges of stability and growth, and really could use the help. We define a Local Charity as an organization that is established for purposes and activities directly, measurably and solely benefitting the regional area where the organization is located.
Our initiative is a global one, and we are reaching out to an international public. Keep in mind that the people who find you on our website, are touched by your story and wish to give you something might not speak your language. We highly recommend that at least the donation page and the “about” story on your own website be written in English. If that’s too complicated, maybe consider activating an automatic translation functionality on your website. Please note, our team is English-speaking and all official documents attesting of your partnership with us will be in English. It is also handy if at least one person in your organization can speak English relatively fluently, in order to participate to our online community-building events. We love speaking to you in person!
Last, but not least, we are a transparent organization and we expect the same from the Charities we work with. We may require to see evidence (photos, testimonials from your organization’s beneficiaries, local news article, yearly reports etc.) of concrete local actions and projects which you are CURRENTLY undertaking, using the donations you receive. This is to show our givers and website users that you are accountable for the use you make of their gifts and that they can trust their money will indeed be allocated to the cause they chose.
You just won a spot on our website. Follow the link below to get started and receive your partnership application form. We can’t wait to hear all about you and the amazing things you get up to!Welcome, friend, to Local Charities Worldwide
-J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings-