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Animals Charity, dogs, strays, thailand

Happy Dogs Koh Chang

Happy Dogs Koh Chang is an emergency shelter for stray dogs that need to be taken out of the street urgently or won’t survive. This Charity also feeds nearly 250 homeless dogs on the island of Koh Chang daily, promotes rescue dog adoption and conducts stray neutering operations.

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Local Charities Worldwide | Charity Profile | PAWS - Animal Welfare Society in Cusco, Peru

Peru Animal Welfare Society – PAWS

Peru Animal Welfare Society (PAWS) is a Globalteer initiative that aims to reduce the number of stray dogs in Cusco and to protect the animals against disease or injury. The organization supports local shelters and also helps neuter and vaccinate the dogs.

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Local Charities Worldwide Charity Profile | Assisi Animal sanctuary in Ireland

Assisi Animal Sanctuary

Assisi Animal Sanctuary is a rescue centre and an animal rights charity committed to the welfare of companion animals. They rescue, shelter and find new loving homes for abandoned pets, they support pet owners, and they actively work to forever end the widespread killing of healthy but unwanted dogs.

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Local Charities Worldwide - Animals Charity Partner | Vietnam Cat Welfare

Vietnam Cat Welfare Centre

Vietnam Cat Welfare is a rescue and care centre for street cats. Their goal is to keep as many cats as possible out of the cat meat industry’s hands, and to provide shelter and love to the abandoned cats.

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"The question is, are we happy to suppose that our grandchildren may never be able to see an elephant except in a picture book?"

-David Attenborough-